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The World I Built From Darkness
An Interview with Zoltran Tory by Ross Roberston
Zoltan Torey's life story is dramatic and inspirational. Left completely blind and barely able to speak by an industrial accident when he was twenty-one, Torey's indomitable spirit drove him to willfully focus his remaining senses—and considerable imagination—toward the cultivation of unique and powerful new ways to explore his world—both inner and outer. Instead of rebuilding a mental picture of the world using hearing and touch alone, he went in the opposite direction, training himself to vividly picture the world around him through his hypersensitive visual imagination.

If You’re Conscious, How Can You Die?
An Interview with Peter Ragnar by Andrew Cohen
In this classic interview from EnlightenNext magazine, Andrew interviews modern-day Taoist wizard, Peter Ragnarand the two discuss Ragnar’s hypothesis that the only thing fundamentally limiting human beings in any way—including our mortality—is the belief in limitation.Andrew once described Ragnar as a possible answer to the question of what someone like Anthony Robbins or Jack LaLanne would like they if they were enlightened. Whether or not he fully fits that bill, Ragnar is an inspiring mixture of profound confidence and deep humility, and is a man who takes himself and his message very seriously. This is definitely an interview worth reading!

Books & Web Links - Dalton Community Acupuncture in Berkshire, Dalton, Pittsfield, Lenox, Windsor



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